Saturday, June 8, 2013

One and a Half Million Objects in Stockholm

June 2-6, 2013. We are in Stockholm, Sweden

The Nordic Museum 

The Nordic Museum is a museum located in central Stockholm, Sweden, dedicated to the cultural history and ethnography of Sweden from the Early Modern age until the contemporary period. Wikipedia
The collections include more than one and a half million objects, six million images and much more.

Object "One"

Love the tiny lock at the 9 o'clock position

Sami is now the preferred term for the indigenous people formerly known as Laps or Laplanders

Map of the Nordic countries first printed in 1539. this copy was printed in1572

With their earnings from reindeer herding, skins and furs, the Sami ordered silver cups, rings and pendants where were easy to carry and a way of displaying one's wealth. On ceremonial occasions, such as weddings, the women put on their richly decorated clears

 Women's Handicrafts

Folk Art

Doll Houses

Bridal Crowns


This video was fascinating. It showed the process of putting on an elegant dress worn by a noble woman. Here she is lacing up the sides of the bodice. The entire process of putting on a dress took 10 minutes. (I don't mean changing your mind, trying on five different dress, looking for the right shoe and doing make-up, just putting on the dress!)

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